Effect of Chlorophyllin Compound (Photosensitizer) on Main Metabolites Level of Spodoptera littoralis, Total Carbohydrates, Total Proteins, and Total Lipid

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt


Photosensitizers are promising and expected to give new technical in agriculture sectors in the future. In this paper, our discussion is focused on photosensitizer and its effects on the main metabolites, total carbohydrates, total proteins, and total lipid were determined in the total body homogenates of Spodoptera littoralis. In the present study, the results showed the highest decrease in the total carbohydrate and total lipid. On the other hand, total protein showed lower reduction in most treatments. The photosensitizer copper chlorophyllin was more effective on enzyme activity level of Spodoptera littoralis and lightly played an active role in enzyme activity.
