Studies on the Activities of Honey Bee Colonies under Environmental Circumstances in BeniSweif Governorate-Egypt.



Dept. of Apiculture, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt.


Environmental Circumstances is playing an important role in honey bee activities. This study at apiary of the Agriculture Research  Sids Station, BeniSweif Governorate middle Egypt, during the 2016seasons. Which that the from broad bean(Vicia faba), citrus (Citrus spp.), clover (Trifolium alexandrinum)and maize (Zea mays) pollen trapped grain were collected from the hives by using traps put on the entrance of honeybee colonies. The average values of the recorded temperatures ranged from 8.9 to 28.1°C and the averages of the recorded relative humidity values ranged from 48.9 to 79.70 % all over the years of study. There was a significant correlation between temperature or relative humidity and collecting pollen amount. Correlation coefficients were - 0.16 & -0.18 in broad bean pollen, - 0.07 & 0.07 in citrus pollen, 0.36 & -0.25 in clover pollen and -0.76 & -0.07 in maize pollen. On other hand the amount of pollen gathering fluctuating from plant source and date of collecting, and it's obvious that study conditions. On the other hand obvious that there is a significant effect of pollen trapping on the brood rearing activity which recorded 67.08 % reduction of brood activity in colony in Broad  bean pollen season , 45.03 % in citrus pollen season, 43.30 % in clover pollen season and 17.68 % in maize pollen season. In the end we can conclusion the environmental ecology is important playing in different activity of honeybee colonies.
