A checklist With Some Taxonomic Notes on the Species of the Family Megachilidae (Hymenoptera:Apoidea) Recorded in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Plant Protection Research Institute, A. R. C., Dokki, Egypt.


A checklist of the family Megachilidaeas existing in Egypt is given, based on material kept in the main reference insect collections in Egypt and records in the literature. The list includes 102 species and 6 subspecies belonging to 9 genera of 5 tribes (Anthidini, Fidelini, Lithorgini, Megachilini, and Osmini) under two subfamilies (Fidelinae and Megachilinae), of which 84 species of seven genera and the six subspecies are insect pollinators, and 18 species of two genera are cleptoparasities. 
Updated scientific names and synonyms are presented together with taxonomic notes on host records and distribution for most species in Egypt. All taxa (subfamilies, tribes, genera and species are alphabetically arranged.
