A biometric Study of The Two Forms of Calliptamus barbarus (Costa, 1836) (Orthoptera: Calliptaminae) Living in Algeria and Spain

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Environment and Agronomic Science, Faculty of Life Science, University of Jijel, Algeria

2 Department of Zoology University of Murcia, Spain


The aim of this study is to know whether the populations of the two forms of C. barbarus in Algeria and Spain are homogeneous or not. For that, a morphometric study was performed in order to compare the specimens collected in five different stations in Algeria with those of the collection of C. barbarus in the laboratory of Orthopterology, the University of Murcia in Spain collected from different stations in the Iberian Peninsula. For the two countries, each specimen of both sexes (male and female) has been studied using a different morphometric index of body size in both forms (one and three femoral spots) and both sexes (male and female) as follows: total length of the body TL, length of elytra EL, length of femora FL, the width of femora FW, the width of head HW, and ratio EL/FL, FL/FW. The results obtained were statistically analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA). From the results obtained, all the parameters gave significant differences, except for the FL/FW couple in females with one spot.   Where the difference was not significant. We can conclude that there is a very highly significant difference between the populations of Algeria and Spain. 
