Population Dynamics of Tomato Erineum Mite, Aceria lycopersici (Wolffenstein) On Leaves and Buds of Tomato at Qalubia Governorate.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Fruit Acarology Department, Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI), Agricultural Research Centre (ARC), Egypt.

2 Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University

3 Fruit Acarology Department – Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI)- Agricultural Research Center (ARC).


Population dynamics of Aceria lycopersici (Wolffenstein)has been studied on leaves and buds of tomato through three plantations i.e.winter plantation (from October to January); summer plantation (from March to June) and fall plantation (from August to November) during two successive years. The obtained results showed that the population of tomato erineum mite, A. lycopersici has one peak in each plantation, e.g. in winter plantation, the annual peak was recorded in December (48 individuals)  and November (59 individuals) at average temperature 13.2 and 17.6 C° andrelative humidity 56.9 and 39.6 R.H. in the first and second years respectively, while the highest number of A. lycopersici in buds of tomato recorded in January with total number 25 & 23 individuals at average temperature 11.7 and 13.4 C° andrelative humidity 34.2 and 32.4 R.H. in the first and second years respectively.  
