Reducing Attacks of the Oriental Hornet, Vespa orientalis L. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) on Apiaries Using Targeted Attractant Baits

Document Type : Original Article


1 Bee Research Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center,Giza 12627, Egypt.

2 Research and Training Station, King Faisal University, P.O. Box 400, Al-Ahsa 31982, Saudi Arabia.


This study focused on evaluating strategies to manage Vespa orientalis L., a social hornet species known for causing significant harm to apiaries. The efficacy of three bait types: citronella oil solution, pollen solution, and a pollen substitute solution, sugar solution as a control was assessed. The experiments were conducted in two apiaries located in Kafr El-Sheikh and Giza governorates, Egypt from October to December . Trapped hornets were collected twice weekly, and baits were replaced accordingly. The findings revealed that hornet populations peaked in October, decreased in November, and diminished completely by December. Citronella oil solution emerged as the most effective bait, capturing averages of 97 and 60.44 hornets in Kafr El-Sheikh and Giza, respectively. Pollen solution ranked second, attracting 58.56 and 32.11 hornets, while the sugar solution captured 30.44 and 16.44 hornets. The pollen substitute solution was the least effective, attracting only 27.56 and 10.67 hornets. The results highlight Citronella oil solution as a highly effective method for attracting Vespa orientalis inside the traps, offering a promising approach for protecting bee colonies.
