Influence of Killing Methods and Preservative Solutions on Some Morphological Aspects of Lucilia sericata Maggots (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt.

2 Department of Entomology, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, P.O. Box 12613, Giza, Egypt.


A key factor in forensic entomology is to determine the age of the maggots found on a body. This is achieved mainly by measuring their length and using established growth models. However, for accurate measurements, the way maggots are collected, killed, and preserved needs to be consistent. This study examines how different killing methods and preservatives affect the length, coloration, and turgidity of Lucilia sericata larvae. A colony of L. sericata was reared under controlled laboratory conditions and larvae were subjected to various killing methods: live preservation, hot water killing (HWK), and boiling water killing (BWK) before immersion in five different preservatives. Larval lengths were measured over a 15-day period; color changes and turgidity were also observed. Killing methods significantly influenced larval length, with HWK and BWK yielding longer larval length compared to live preservation. The study also found that certain preservatives, particularly 10% formalin and Kahle's solution, maintained larval length effectively, while others caused significant increases over time. Coloration changes were noted based on preservation techniques and turgidity assessments indicated varying physical states among groups. These findings underscore the importance of standardized methods in forensic entomology to enhance the reliability of minimum post mortem interval (PMImin) estimations and contribute to legal investigations.
