Interaplant Distribution of the Citrus Rust Mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (ASHMEAD) on Citrus Trees

Document Type : Original Article


Fruit Acarology Department, Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Dokki, Giza, Egypt


      Experiments were conducted to evaluate the preferring location of the citrus rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora inhabiting citrus trees on different heights level, high, medium and low and four sides of the citrus tree locations east, north, west and south. One orange cultivated area Balady variety was chosen for the experimental study at Enshas region located in Sharkia Governorate (latitude 52°38'11.7"N and longitude 5°49'37.66"E). The lower, medium and high trees levels were selected at 80cm, 80-150cm., and more than 150 cm. from the ground level, respectively. The study was conducted during two successive years starting from January 2017 till end of December 2018.The results showed that P. oleivora preferred the warmth and high relatively humid conditions, allocated at tree surfaces near the soil on contrast the plant surfaces far of soil. That is where the steaming rate of irrigation water provides the predator with the optimal high humidity for population increase. In addition, the study indicates that the citrus rust mite prefers living the east side of the tree was exposed to sunlight more than the other sides
