The Effect of Temperature Regimes and Tissue Types on The Development of Chrysomya megacephala Larvae (Diptera: callophoridae).

Document Type : Original Article


1 Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Banha University

2 Theodore Bilharz Research Institute - El Warraq - Giza

3 Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt


This study investigated the effects of three temperature regimes representing several specific development conditions of this blowfly: (25.7, 28.4and 30.6oC) and tissue types. Furthermore, Chrysomya megacephala colonies were reared on three different food sources (all rabbit carcasses, Liver and muscles) on the development of C.megacephala as important forensic fly, and their possible implications to calculate the postmortem interval (PMI). The results showed that the mean durations period from egg to adult eclosion of C. megacephala when reared on control rabbit at 25.7, 28.4 and 30.6 oC were 303.5, 217 and194.5 hrs, respectively. In addition, the mean duration period from egg to adult eclosion when the larvae reared on liver tissue at 25.7, 28.4and 30.6oC were 275.5, 205.5 and 188.5 hrs, respectively. Moreover, The Larvae of C.megacephala reared on muscle tissues from rabbit carcasses, the mean duration from egg to adult eclosion at 25.7oC 28.4oC, and 30.6oC were 293, 214.5 and 192.5 hrs, respectively.
          From the previous results, it is obvious that the mean duration in larvae reared on control rabbit carcasses was longer than those fed on muscle which longer than those reared on the liver at all temperature regimes.
